Metal Trading Team Hungary

xdespisedkidx, LPMaskMan, SHunor666

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Video Rare Trades Only 2020-02-23 11:36:57 2021-12-06 21:20:01

Within Tempation


HU - Székesfehérvár
MÁV Előre pálya - FEZEN Fesztivál

35.00 min
Matroska Video
HD master
Panasonic HDC-SD40 + Zoom H2. Another additional audio source by Attisbootleg.

Our Solemn Hour (cuts in)
In the Middle of the Night
Fire and Ice
Stand My Ground
Mother Earth

Got caught during the middle of the last song but the recording is full. Very dark and grainy picture. Obstructed by hands, heads and mobile phones.

It was a short show due to an upcoming but not happened storm, however the wind was a bit strong. Before the show, the audience had to get out from the place in front of the stage. After more than 1 hour waiting, they told us the show will be held. The crew set the stage design to minimum (removed LED walls, most of the lighting, etc.). This organizing was a huge disappointment for me because the crew weren't really announced anything and the WT played only 35 minutes but the hungarian band Tankcsapda after them played a longer set. Recorded so close to stage (<10 meters), lots of audience singalong, yelling and talking in the recording.

Full show.

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